1. 郵寄支票:
支票抬頭「禧福協會有限公司」或 「Jubilee Ministries Limited」
2. 銀行過戶:
.「匯豐銀行」戶口:(004) 007-236243-001
(whatsapp號碼:2708 8666 傳真號碼:2708 8771)
3. 按月自動轉賬:
4. 信用卡網上奉獻:
網上奉獻請按此 並選擇你想支持的事工。
直接使用網上銀行或流動理財 App 過數至本會戶口,
「轉數快」ID︰3740891 , 或電郵︰info@jubileehk.org
(whatsapp號碼︰2708 8666 傳真號碼︰2708 8771)
- 奉獻HK$100或以上者,可獲發收據,作申請扣稅之用。
Donation Method
1. By Cheque:
Please make a crossed cheque payable to "Jubilee Ministries Limited" and mail to Finance Department,
15/F, No. 239, Temple Street, Jordan, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
2. Deposit the donation into Jubilee Ministries Limited's bank account:
.HSBC:(004) 007-236243-001
.Nanyang Commercial Bank:043-478-1-125680-5
Please send us the bank pay-in-slip by email (info@jubileehk.org), or by fax (2708 8771), or
whatsapp (2708 8666), or by post.
3. Autopay:
Please click here to download and fill in the autopay authorization form, then send it to our office by post.
4. Donation by Credit Card via:
Please click here to make donation and fill out the ministry you want to support.
5. Faster Payment System (FPS)
Deposit the donation by Online e-Banking or Mobile APP
FPS ID︰3740891 or by Email︰info@jubileehk.org
If you need a receipt, please send us the screen capture with your name, contact and address by
whatsapp (2708 8666), or by email (info@jubileehk.org), or by fax (2708 8771),or by post.
Tax-deductible receipt will be issued for donation of HK$100 or above / for donations made from Hong Kong only.